Testimonials: Zay Zay Naing
I am from Dawei, Myanmar. I do electronic service. I am studying elementary English at Alintagar English Language Training School. I can study the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and…
I am from Dawei, Myanmar. I do electronic service. I am studying elementary English at Alintagar English Language Training School. I can study the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and…
I was born in Yaephyu village but I was raised in Dawei. Last two years in December, I started to attend a famous English class. But I wasn’t sure that…
I’m from Dawei. I am a university student. I'd like to give my honest review of AELTS. Last year, I was recommended to attend English class at AELTS by a…
I'm from Dawei and I'm an elementary English student at AELTS. I am currently studying law at Dawei University. I happened to attend at AELTS because I wanted to spend…
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This course is intended for intermediate and above learners of English
This course is intended for intermediate learners of English
This course is intended for pre-intermediate learners of English
This course is intended for elementary learners of English
This course is intended for very basic learners of English